They say that the two biggest topics spouses argue about are money and sex. Leave it to me and Captain to dare to be different. I can count on one hand the number of times we’ve argued about either one, or both, of those things. Apparently we are on the same page there. I guess that’s good.
So what do we argue about?
You’ll never guess.
Yep, contrary to the image above, cleaning at the Brogan Ranch is when the gloves come off and vile insults are hurled around by all parties involved. Well, no, mostly that’s me. Captain just keeps doing the cleaning thing and sucking me into the cleaning vortex.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s not that I am a (total) slob or that I am going to be on one of those reality shows any time soon. But because I am a it’s-good-enough kind of gal and Captain is more of a it-has-to-be-perfect kind of can see where the conflict comes from.
We recently hosted my family’s Easter celebration at our house. I know my family loves me with all of my quirks and foibles, so I know that if for some reason--like I had better things to do--the refrigerator shelves are not sparkly clean, they will keep right on loving me. They might laugh themselves stupid on the way home, but I won’t know that so I won’t care.

Captain can imagine every possible snarky conversation that might happen in the cars as they leave Chez Brogan, so he goes psycho on the cleaning thing. Maybe that’s an exaggeration, but he gets a lot more uptight about it than I do. Then again, he gets more uptight about everything than I do.
But I digress.
As he was scrubbing the front door with Kaboom the other day--and standing there awed and amazed at the amount of dirt on the door--I told him nobody goes into another person’s home and judges them for their cleanliness. At least I don’t, but apparently Captain does. So, fair warning to all of our acquaintances on that score.
I told him whether I am a guest or a hostess, my criteria for a successful gathering is: did people laugh and have fun and did they get enough to eat? Nowhere on my checklist is there a line item for the microwave door had smudges on it or the curtains were askew. Who freaking cares?!
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. My door is ALWAYS open to friends and family to stop in. If I know you’re coming, I will have the house in what I consider to be a presentable state. I’ll ply you with food, beverage, and conversation. If I don’t know you’re get what you get for cleanliness, but I will still ply you with food, beverage, and conversation.
If you are up to the risk, I have the coffee on...come on by!
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