Our week started off bright and early Monday morning when Captain had an appointment with the orthopedic surgeon at Mayo Clinic.
The doctor’s official medical observation was, “You’ve got a gimp.” I did medical transcription for 18 years, and I never knew that “gimp” was a medical term!
The cause of the problem is long-term degenerative arthritis. The solution is a total hip replacement. We have that scheduled for December 20...about a week after I have implant exchange. Joy and rapture.
Things got significantly better after that because we stopped at home, loaded up the cooler and suitcases, and headed to pick up our friends for our trip to the North Shore!
Captain did all the driving, and he got us to Duluth--with one stop at Toby’s for lunch and eclipse viewing--by mid afternoon. We stopped to check the arrival and departure schedule at the maritime museum, but nothing was even close to coming or going while we were there, so we traveled on.
We stopped in Two Harbors to have a beer at Castle Danger Brewery. Captain and I were there two years ago, and we were the only two people in the place. This time, we had a hard time finding a place to sit it was so packed! Glad they are doing well in their new location.
We made it to Little Marais Lakeside Resort in early evening and got all checked into our cabin. Very cozy with two bedrooms (queen beds), living room with a futon, recliner, and large picture window, small dining table, and tiny but fully stocked kitchen.
We got our supplies unloaded, went out to soak up some wave sounds, and then headed inland about 20 miles to the Trestle Inn. This is a bar and grill that is literally in the middle of nowhere. You have to travel 15+ miles on a narrow dirt road with more curves than the Rockettes chorus line, but the food and the ambiance is pretty worth it.
It was dark and raining when we headed back to the cabin, so a lakeside bonfire was out of the question that night. Instead, we opted to stay in and have a rousing trivia contest with the cards from the Trivial Pursuit game provided. It was that or the 500-piece tiger puzzle, and no one was eager to start that.
By 10:30, we were all tuckered out from traveling, plus the rain and the waves on the lake were pretty darn soothing through the open windows, so it was off to bed.
Tuesday morning after enjoying coffee by the lake for a bit, it was time for breakfast. It was my turn to make breakfast, but when I turned to the stove, I realized I had no idea how to start it. I have a gas stove, but this one didn’t have the electric pilot light. Captain and Kevin figured it out (I was safely out of the range of any potential explosion) and even got the oven lit to cook the bacon. Whew! Once I knew how to operate the equipment, I got bacon, eggs, and toast for on the table. Bonus...the guys did dishes!
We piled into the truck and headed north on Highway 61. Our first stop was Temperance River State Park. This is where the river flows down through basalt stone, and after millennia of water and pebbles swirling around in two or three spots, deep potholes--or what we refer to as swirlies--were formed. It is sort of an arduous climb up to the swirlies, but oh what beautiful views there were!
From there we went to Grand Marais. Such a pretty little town with the harbor and the harbor lighths right there. We stopped at The World’s Best Donuts and had some--get this--amazing donuts! The line was out the door and halfway down the block, but those standing in line were entertained by a young man playing his violin for tips. Not bad...snack and a show.
After dropping off the extra donuts in the truck, we stopped in at one of the gift shops. Not because we buy anything but just because it is fun to look around. Saw a card with an awesome pun on it: Why couldn’t the pig remember anything? Because he had hamnesia!! That’s a knee slapper…
We walked around and out to the pier/break point/barrier thing that separates the lake from the harbor. I wandered further than the rest so I could get pictures of the harbor lights and harbor and lake all in one shot. I turned around and used the telephoto lens to get a shot of the rest of my peeps from about 100 yards away or more. Man, I love my camera!
We walked back to the truck and headed even further north to Grand Portage State Park which is right on the US-Canadian border. We could have gone into Canada since we all had our passports but opted to stay domestic this time.
While we were on the half-mile trek to the observation point for the high falls, Captain was looking down at the Pigeon River below the trail, and he thought he saw something moving around in the backwaters. Turns out it was some very busy little beavers...literally! I tried to telephoto and get a picture of them, but I can’t pick out Mr. Beaver in these photos. If you can...let me know!
We continued on to the high falls observation point. Oh.My.Goodness. It is just breathtaking to see the force of nature as that water explodes down the falls. The next time I’m feeling stressed or anxious, all I will need to do is look at these pictures again and find my calm.
By then we were tired and getting hungry so we headed back to Grand Marais for a stop at Sven & Ole’s pizza before really zeroing in on getting back to the cabin. We drove in and out of rain showers the whole way back to Little Marais, but it let up just about the time we started getting supper ready.
There is a picnic table and grill with each cabin, so we had grilled foil potato packets, hamburgers, and sweet corn. Oh lordy what good food!
While I washed dishes (Captain dried), Kevin and Carol worked on getting the bonfire going. It was a little tricky because the wood had been rained on, but we discovered that Doritos actually do burn and make good fire starters! Plus, if you throw enough lighter fluid at it, you get BIG FLAMES!
Everybody got their adult beverages lined up and we plunked, our butts down to listen to the waves, watch the flames, and solve the world’s problems. Then the entertainment started.
A family in a cabin down the row a ways had bought some lanterns at the gift shop that were basically miniature hot air balloons. I’m not sure how the fire was secured at the bottom of the lantern, but they did, and they were launching them over the lake.
The lantern would get to where it was flight-ready, and they would let it go. For the dozen or so that they launched, the pattern was the same. The lantern would hover over the water looking like it was going to bomb in the lake, and then it would catch a little updraft that would take it straight up. At this point, we were always sure it was going to get tangled in the dead tree nearby, but every single time, just at treetop height, it would catch the jet stream or whatever and ZOOM up, up, and away over the lake.
It doesn’t take much to impress and entertain a group of tired 50-somethings, does it?!
When it got chilly enough by the lake to sort of be uncomfortable--plus the mosquitoes came out--we headed inside to chat in comfort and warmth before heading for bed.
Wednesday morning was another coffee-by-the-lake start followed by breakfast. This time it was french toast, bacon, and fried potatoes. We got all of that cleaned up and started getting packed up to head home. Since that didn’t take long, we had time to have more coffee and conversation in the cabin.
After getting checked out and headed home, we stopped at Palisade Head which is a high, sheer cliff that is popular with rock climbers. I stood at the top and looked down and decided that anyone who dangled there on a rope high over the lake was just crazy. But, it takes all kinds.
After that it was a quick pit stop at the brand new Tettegouche State Park visitor’s center. They even have a cafe and coffee bar!!
We decided we really needed to stop at Betty’s Pies on the way by. It wasn’t quite lunch time, so three of us just had pie but Captain went for the lunch special. My choice o’the day was the cherry cheesecake and let me just say...good gracious what a slice! MMMMMMMmmmm!
One last stop at the scenic overlook at Split Rock for a photo op.
We stopped in Baldwin at the A&W for lunch, stopped in Ellsworth at the creamery for cheese curds, and we were home in time for Captain to do evening chores.
And another great North Shore trip was in the books!
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