Finally...something that inspired me to write again. I was starting to worry that I had
“lost it” after our debacle of a winter. Whew!!
“lost it” after our debacle of a winter. Whew!!
We had a fun weekend because Cubby was around. That kid slays me! She was here
Saturday afternoon and evening while Young Man and Mama Bear went out with some friends.
Saturday afternoon and evening while Young Man and Mama Bear went out with some friends.
We took her to church with us and for a Lutheran toddler, she did really well sitting through
a Catholic Palm Sunday mass! She actually had a stare down with a whiny child behind us.
She’s kind of judgey!
a Catholic Palm Sunday mass! She actually had a stare down with a whiny child behind us.
She’s kind of judgey!
After we got out of church and I was buckling her in her car seat, she says, “Gramma, where
are we going to eat?” The following conversation took place.
are we going to eat?” The following conversation took place.
G: We are going home to eat supper.
C: At my home?
G: No at Grampa and Gramma’s home.
C: I want to go to McDonalds.
G: I understand that, but we are going to our house.
C: Why can’t we eat at McDonalds?
G: Because we are going home to eat.
(By this time we were well on our way home on Highway 52)
C: Grampa you just passed McDonalds.
G: Yes, and he is going to pass a couple more on our way home.
C: Don’t you like McDonalds?
G: Not really.
C: I like McDonalds hamburgers.
You get the idea.
So we get home and I start making supper consisting of hamburgers, candied onions, and
green beans. We get sat down at the table, say grace, and I put some hamburger on her
green beans. We get sat down at the table, say grace, and I put some hamburger on her
“Gramma, I don’t like hamburgers.” What the fudge?! What happened to the 15-minute
conversation about McDonald's hamburgers? So….you just don’t like MY hamburgers. Tough
luck, kid, eat the hamburger.
conversation about McDonald's hamburgers? So….you just don’t like MY hamburgers. Tough
luck, kid, eat the hamburger.
After the battle of supper, we retired to the recliner for snuggles and Netflix. She finally
settled on Barbie. I could have gone the rest of my life without needing to know Barbie had
a TV series because she is more annoying than Barney.
settled on Barbie. I could have gone the rest of my life without needing to know Barbie had
a TV series because she is more annoying than Barney.
Over the course of several episodes, there was a bear that kept popping up in the scenes.
After the third time, I said, “What’s with the bear?”
After the third time, I said, “What’s with the bear?”
Cubby looked up at my, put up her hand in that talk to the hand gesture and said, “Calm
down, Gramma, it’s just a bear.” I almost wet myself laughing.
down, Gramma, it’s just a bear.” I almost wet myself laughing.
I wasn’t laughing so hard later on when I went to take her home and tried to back out of the
garage without opening the door first. We were both crying after that. Luckily Captain is a
handy dandy kind of guy and he got it fixed good enough that it works even though it isn’t
as pretty as it used to be. Come to think of it, I should probably look at my truck to see if
that has any damage. Wouldn’t that just be a kicker?
garage without opening the door first. We were both crying after that. Luckily Captain is a
handy dandy kind of guy and he got it fixed good enough that it works even though it isn’t
as pretty as it used to be. Come to think of it, I should probably look at my truck to see if
that has any damage. Wouldn’t that just be a kicker?
Sunday morning Captain took me out for breakfast at Newts, which was nice to just have a
relaxing meal out together. With spring rush coming, we won’t be able to do that for
relaxing meal out together. With spring rush coming, we won’t be able to do that for
We ran into a couple of folks from church so stopped and chatted with them for a bit before
going on a look-about. We just sort of meandered here and there on our way home and had
an enjoyable time together.
going on a look-about. We just sort of meandered here and there on our way home and had
an enjoyable time together.

I worked Aisles On Line (hereinafter referred to as AOL) in the afternoon and evening. I’m
getting the hang of the job. For everybody (including myself) who thought it was hilarious
that I have a job grocery shopping when I can’t stand doing my own grocery shopping...this
is different. This is buying specific items. There are no decisions to be made, no angst of
price-per-unit differences, and no Captain beside me telling me I’m buying the wrong thing. So don’t judge!
getting the hang of the job. For everybody (including myself) who thought it was hilarious
that I have a job grocery shopping when I can’t stand doing my own grocery shopping...this
is different. This is buying specific items. There are no decisions to be made, no angst of
price-per-unit differences, and no Captain beside me telling me I’m buying the wrong thing. So don’t judge!
I am finding it is an excellent exercise program. I should really invest in a FitBit or knockoff
thereof. Or maybe my phone has a pedometer on it. Hmmm...that’s worth checking into.
thereof. Or maybe my phone has a pedometer on it. Hmmm...that’s worth checking into.
That all might not seem all that exciting to anyone but me as far as weekends go, but it
worked for us. Being inspired to write about it just absolutely made my day!!
worked for us. Being inspired to write about it just absolutely made my day!!
Blessings, my friends!
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