Last week was Rochester Fest, and Captain and I took an evening to drive in to see the hot air balloon Moon Glow. We’ve wanted to do this for years but it never worked out until this year.
It’s pretty amazing to watch them unpack/unroll those big balloons and start filling them with air until they are upright. This year there were four balloons in a grass area between the YMCA and Soldiers Field. When they simultaneously lit their fires just at takes your breath a little bit!

And this was FREE! Granted, we spent some money on cheese curds and beer, but the balloon thing was totally free.
On a side note, did you know that you could learn how to be a hot air balloon crew member through Rochester Community Education? How cool would that be?!
We love finding free or cheap day trips to do. The is partly because our farming schedule is so unpredictable and partly because Captain just doesn't like to spend much money on recreational stuff. Unless it's fishing gear...then the sky is the limit apparently!

I seriously had no idea how much stuff there is to do within no more than a two-hour drive. For instance, the weekend of July 15-17 in La Crosse, you can go to the Dragon Boat Festival and Race.
How much fun does that look like to watch? If you go and are there around a meal time, check out Big Al’s Pizza in the old section of downtown. Ah-MAZE-ing food and atmosphere. (
If you are more of a nature kind of person, most state parks have naturalist programs that are open to the public--not just campers. Like that cemetery tour Captain and I did in Whitewater last year. There are easily a dozen state parks within an hour or two of here (if you live where I live) where you could have an enjoyable and educational afternoon or evening. For free! Go to and click on the Events Calendar on the left hand menu for ideas.

If you don’t mind navigating in the metro area of the Twin Cities there are a TON of free or cheap activities. There was a whole list of them in an issue of, I believe, Midwest Living that Diane gave me. Stuff like tours of the historic James Hill house in Saint Paul, a Fort Snelling murder mystery walk, brewery crawls, and so, so much more. You can find a lot of them here:
Do I dream of a grand vacation somewhere? Sure I do! I would love to see Ireland someday or take an Alaskan cruise or a New England/Nova Scotia cruise in the fall. Those are unrealistic in our world, so instead we thoroughly enjoy exploring our own backyard. It’s the doing something together that is enjoyable and memorable...not so much where we went.

If you know of a free or cheap event nearby that I did not mention here, please share it so the rest of us can explore new recreational events! Come on, spread the love!
Images used from: (Chiara Travel and Photography) (Neverland Adventures)
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