There is a current country song out right now with a lyric in it that says “Not doing half bad for a half full glass.” Which brings up the age-old the glass half-empty or half-full.
When Captain hears that, his response is always “Who cares? Empty the damn glass and put it in the dishwasher!”
Half-full glasses are a thing for Captain. When we are out to eat a fast food joint and get the cups to fill up at the fountain drink area, he never, ever fills it all the way up. I’m not entirely sure why. Maybe it’s a Catholic guilt thing wherein he thinks he doesn’t deserve a full glass. Who knows?

The other thing he never, ever fills up is the gas tank in his pickup. He will drive around until he is floats into the gas station on fumes and prayers, and then only fills the tank half full.
My question is...why?! His answer is that it pains him to write a big check to fill his tank so he’d rather write twice as many smaller checks. He has no answer when I ask him how much gas and time he is wasting running back and forth to KwikTrip every other freaking day instead of once a week. Not to mention the cost of using twice as many checks that have to be replaced.
Of course now during harvest, he is putting many, many miles on the old pickup, so he’s going past a gas station just about every day anyway, but still.
Most of the time, Captain’s world is of the half-empty variety. He is, by nature, a pessimist. This is why we call him Negative Norman on a routine basis.
If you want to know the absolute worst possible scenario for any given situation...just ask Captain, and he’ll tell you.
I know I’ve talked before about being grateful for what you have, and you might be tired of hearing it. But I think it is a sentiment worth repeating again and again because it is so easy to forget in the day-to-day routines we all have.
If you have gainful employment, food to eat, clothes to wear, a roof over your head, and people who love you...count your blessings. You’re glass is more than half full.
We can also be grateful for things we don’t have. If you don’t have a chronic medical condition, financial worries, relationship stress...count your blessings. Your glass is still more than half full.
If you have just one thing to smile about today, smile big and be grateful.
Use that gratitude to bring a smile to someone else’s face. None of us know the crosses that others must bear, and your smile may be the only bright spot in someone’s day. Give them something to be grateful for.
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