Mrs. Captain is the most organized housekeeper I know...said no one EVER!
You moved Mrs. Captain's pen holder two inches to the left...oooh, honey, are you in for it...has been said a time or two by coworkers.
Apparently I use up all my organizational skills for activities that pay me. That’s how I roll.
To prove this point, here is some photo documentation of the difference between the two.
Dining room table used as a closet, laundry basket, and art table...
Kitchen sink buried in dirty dishes…
Entryway that is hard to enter due to clutter…
Office closet that needs a sign that says “Open at your own risk”...
Captain’s desk...
My office desk…
Captain is going to be mortified that these pictures are now in cyberspace for all posterity. He likes to think that we are the only ones who have messy messes in our houses. Can we say cuh-RAY-zee? I'm pretty sure that every single person reading this has at one time or another had a mess. If you haven't, you're no friend of mine!
I wouldn’t have thrown Captain’s desk in there for comparison because it’s mostly his domain, and I am big on letting people maintain their personal space however they are comfortable with it.
That said, however, I have to use Captain’s desk to do the farm books, and it’s a conundrum because, I’m sorry, I cannot function in that kind of awful chaos.
Math loathing notwithstanding, mostly my approach to this problem is that I clean the desk before starting book work. Then we have a secondary conundrum because when Captain wants something that was on the desk, he can’t find it because I “messed everything up.” Excuse me?!
My fall-back approach is to just avoid that desk until about this time of year when the book work is becoming critical. Also a conundrum because now I can’t remember why we wrote a five-digit check in February, but it had to be important to have that many zeroes in it.
I think I might have the answer to this dilemma. I need to load the farm accounting software onto my laptop which resides on my clean, organized, uncluttered desk.
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