It’s a confirmed fact that I am not a good shopper. However, until just recently, I thought this was limited to store-type shopping only.
I can screw up online shopping as well, and in a major flustercluck kind of way that I and I alone am capable of.
In light of the dread and failure of my store-type shopping, I have opted for the last several years to do the bulk of my Christmas shopping at Amazon. I have a Prime membership, so I get free shipping which makes it a huge plus.
So, Thanksgiving night after gorging on turkey and stuffing all day, I came home and plopped my butt in my rocking chair, grabbed my phone, and “went to town.” I come.

I mowed through my list of gifts in nothing flat. Hit the “Checkout” button, got the confirmation email that the order was received, and patted myself on the back for being so efficient.
Next morning when I was checking my email, there was one from Amazon that there was a problem with my debit card and the payments (they’d divided my one huge order into two) were declined.
What the fudge, you say? No way...there was twice enough money in my account to cover the total! Backtrack to My Order History and find out that I had forgotten--in all my swift efficiency--to update the experation date on my debit card. Rod rammit.
Go back, fix that, resubmit the order. New confirmation email received, and I called it good.
Until the next day.

Payments declined again. Are you fudging kidding me?! Now what?
Keep digging in the email InBox and find a fraud alert from the credit union. They thought someone had stolen my card and was trying to stuff their stocking on my dime, so they were declining all payments until I contacted them to tell them otherwise. This would explain a couple other embarrassing moments I’d had the day before.
Call the credit union, verify that, yes, it was me doing all this shopping. Apparently they are also aware that retail therapy is not my cup of tea. Got them all straightened out and go BACK to Amazon to submit the order.
Day #3 when I’m checking my email, I see that the payment for one of the two orders had been approved and one was declined. SO MANY BAD WORDS!!
Double check the debit card information at Amazon to verify all was well there. Yep. Go to the online bank statement to see if there were any clues.
Oh yeah...there it was. An automatic payment had been deducted between the time one order was approved and the second was declined. This automatic payment put me two stinking dollars...TWO DOLLARS...short of the total of the order.
Pals, I made up words sailors don’t even know. By this time I was so fed up, I just completely canceled the second order and decided to brave the malls and do actual store shopping for those items. Free shipping wasn’t worth this kind of angst.

Two days later, the items from that first order that finally was approved and shipped was delivered to my door. Joy and rapture, right?
In all my swift efficiency, I had ordered the wrong size of one thing. Back to Amazon to find out their return policy which, as it turns out, is actually very easy to walk through. I am not ashamed to say that I paid an extra $20 to have UPS come right to my dang door and take the item for return shipping.
But, I am happy to say that with careful budgeting and extreme due diligence while on Amazon after the above fiasco, I have completed my shopping, and it should all be delivered by Christmas.
I finally realized what I need to alleviate my retail woes. I need a personal shopper. I sheet you knot...I would pay someone to do this for me because I hate shopping in any way, shape, or form!
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