I need to take a moment here to clear up some misinformation that I have been perpetuating for my entire married life.
The last movie Captain saw in a theater was NOT Rocky IV in 1985 as I have been saying for 30 years. It was Youngblood in 1986.

Whew...glad we cleared that up!
This particular tidbit of information came up in conversation over the weekend when I told Captain that when Hidden Figures comes out on Netflix, I want him to watch it with me because I really think he would appreciate the historical content of it. I saw it in the theater with some gal pals but would totally enjoy watching it again (and again and again).
I promised him that I would give him the cast list, plot line, and backstory before we attempted to watch it so that he would not go through his usual litany of questions during the first 15 minutes of the film.
His response to this? “I don’t do that.”
Dude...I beg to differ. In fact, I begged to differ so much that I bet some of my hard earned money that I could call one of both of our children and ask them “What happens when your dad watches a movie?” and both of them would give me the exact same verbiage.

Captain took my bet and ran with it. First he called Molly, and put her on speaker phone to ask her “What do I do when I watch a movie?”
Her answer was loud and clear, “You ask ‘Who is that? Why are they doing that? What is the point? I don’t get it.’ and then you get up and walk away.”
As I was doing a happy dance around the kitchen shouting BOO-YAH, Captain told Molly she was crazy and hung up the phone. I continued my victory boogie while Captain called Young Man. The call went right to voicemail the first time, but rang through the second time.
When Young Man answered the phone, Captain repeated his question and got this answer: “You ask ‘Who is that? Why are they doing that? What is the point? I don’t get it.’ and then you get up and walk away.”
Folks, there was absolutely no containing my glory. Both fists pumped into the air with a shout of “Those are my kids!!” and I continued to bee-bop around the kitchen and dining room while Captain just shook his head and tried to stifle the chuckles.
The thing is, Captain just doesn’t get why people spend two hours (waste two hours in his mind) sitting around watching fiction; it makes no sense to him. Now, if it was a documentary...that’s another story. He’s all about that. More, though, he is about DOING things.

Hence all of our rambles on Sunday afternoons. To Captain, it’s much better to be out experiencing the world and all its glory than to just observe someone else’s experiences. I can respect that.
Due to his aversion to all things cinematic, I have--by association--missed out on many movies. I have never seen:
The Blues Brothers
Schindlers List
Groundhog Day
Silence of the Lambs
But that’s okay because I have seen waterfalls, wildflowers, eagles, barges, veteran’s memorials, and many side and back roads around our region. I may tease Captain for his anti-film philosophy, but I have to be grateful that because of it we have spent many enjoyable hours together exploring the world around us.
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