Hello again friends!
The last few days have been sort of a “batten down the hatches” kind of plan. I’m trying to get things lined up for when I’m recovering from surgery.
I spent a lot of time over the last few weeks canning. I’ve got 32 quarts of dill pickles, a few quarts of spicy dilly beans, 45 pints of green beans, and 10 pints of pasta sauce. I will do 10 half pints of pizza sauce tomorrow night, and then I’m done. Whatever tomatoes ripen from here on out will be canned by Captain’s mom after she gets back from Spokane on Sunday.
Molly came over last night and helped us clean the house. I don’t understand how it gets so dirty when it’s just the two of us here! But, thanks to Molly, now it is fit for company.
I’ve got things lined up at work, and the awesome people that are in my work unit helped me figure out who is going to do what while I’m away. If you ever think that you are unimportant in your job...think about who would do what you do for two months, and you will realize quickly that you are integral to the whole process!

The one thing I didn’t get done is my landscaping. I have tiger lillies, sedum, and hostas should have been divided this fall. I guess it has waited this long, another year isn’t going to hurt anything!
I did make a Hobby Lobby/Joann Fabric run on Saturday, so I am stocked up on yarn as I am told that crochet is an acceptable activity postoperatively. Yay, because I have eight blankets I need to get started on soon!
The other thing that is on my mind is Calf Country. I won’t be able to feed calves when Captain is milking, and with harvest right around the corner, this is going to complicate things for him. He’ll make it work because that’s just the kind of guy he is, but it still worries me. I’ll put it in God’s hands and see what He can come up with!
So many of you have offered to help in whatever way you can that we need, and we truly, truly appreciate that! We’ve had more offers than we’ll ever be able to use for household/yard type stuff. It makes us thankful, again, that we live in a close knit rural community.
I would ask for each of you to pray for me and mine. This is a scary time for all of us, so every prayer we can get is a good thing!
Blessings to you my friends!
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