Hello all, Dipstick the Dog here! Mrs. Captain is so busy these days with her job at Hy-Vee and with all the flowers and other gardening that I told her I'd take care of this today.

I know Mrs. Captain has talked about elder care and her mom. I'm kind of worried about my mom, Dayzee, too. She will be 14 years old next month, and she is showing her age. I didn't think it would ever happen. Dayzee is the one who taught me how to chase cars...my favorite sport! But now she can't hear anymore at all, so she doesn't know when there is a car coming down the road until she sees me take off on the chase.
My worry is that she will be taking a nap in the driveway and not hear a truck or tractor start and will get run over. I probably shouldn't worry because the Captains are very good about looking around everywhere to make certain we are all out of harm's way.
She still has all of her feistiness, though. She got accidentally shut up in the garage last week, and she was so mad and wanted to get out so bad that she chewed through the garage door opener wire. You go, Dayzee!
Speaking of harm's way, did any of your dogs have to deal with that awful wind a week or so ago?! I thought we were all going to blow away. I was lying under my favorite pine tree in the front yard and all of a sudden the wind separated the flag pole into three pieces and tossed two of them into the tree I was lying under. Almost scared the fur right off of me!

I saw a major argument between the Captains at the clothesline the other day. Captain usually does the laundry and hangs the clothes on the line. I think this is a nice thing to do to help out Mrs. Captain. One day, Captain must have been really busy because Mrs. Captain brought a load of laundry out to the line.
I guess she didn't like the way Captain had put the clothes on the line because there were several pieces of clothing on each of the four lines instead of all the clothing on one line at a time like she does it.
Here's my question: does it really matter? The clothes are going to dry no matter where they hang on the line, right? Again...they say I'M the dumb one here.
You should hear their philosophical discussions on the deck every night after coming back from Gammy Captain's house. You'd think world peace depended upon their opinions. It's rare that they agree on a viewpoint but they manage to exchange ideas without bloodshed.
Well, it's almost time for me to start the nightly patrol and barkfest. It's been nice catching up with you all.
Mrs. Captain will be back soon, I"m sure!
Dipstick the Dog
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