I had the most fabulous day off yesterday! First...I wasn’t working so that was a bonus. That’s the payoff for having worked the weekend. There’s always a catch!
I started the day out with leisurely watching the news and having coffee in between chatting with Captain about his plans for the day. He was going to be finishing up at one field and moving to another, so I had to do some chauffeuring but nothing majorly time consuming.
Then it was off to Victoria’s to meet an old friend for lunch. Jimmy was the first resident I worked for when I started at Mayo after coming off maternity leave with Young Man. You could say we trained each other in the Mayo Way. After he was hired on staff in Scottsdale, Arizona, I have only seen him once in the last 24 years, although we have stayed in touch via email and Facebook.
Seeing him in person and having an actual conversation...freaking awesome! We covered everything from morel mushrooms to organic farming to crime scene investigation plus religion and politics. Best hour I’ve had in a long time...thanks, Jimmy!
I met Captain’s mom in the Dress Barn parking lot (we resisted the urge to go in and shop) so she could ride with me to get my hair done. Since it’s an hour drive down to Harmony, we had a nice visit, and it was a beautiful day for a drive. We saw a lot of farmers out in the fields doing all that fall stuff...combining, plowing, making corn stalk bales. We even saw a couple of Amish buggies on the road which is always a thrill for some reason.

The Shop - A Cut Above is my niece’s hair salon in Harmony. I love, love, love having Amy do my hair! She has it set up so nice inside. You can watch TV or she will turn on an iPod for your listening enjoyment. You get a beverage, hot or cold, and free popcorn. I don’t know about her other customers, but I just love having time to catch up with one of my all time favorite people. Got a bonus yesterday when Amy’s stepdaughter, Laurel, came in after school and lost a tooth while we were there! We also got to see Amy’s son, Corey, and order some FFA fruit. It just kept being a win-win-win kind of day.
If I ever in the past 40 years have had long hair, it has always been permed. However, I am at a stage in my life where I had to decide between color or curls because it is counterproductive to try and do both. Given the increasing amounts of gray I see in the mirror, I opted for color. Amy has been helping me over this past year to get it cut and styled into something spectacular. We have found a great auburn color that works well for me, and she has given me styling tips on creating volume and...well...pizzazz.
Yesterday after getting the color in and my hair all blow dried, she spent a half an hour styling it...which is about 25 more minutes than I spend on it! I was styling when I left there to go watch Cubby while Young Man and Mama Bear were working. Closing out the day with Cubby just capped an absolutely wonderful day.
Cubby didn’t care what my hair looked like, she just wanted to play. She likes it when I lay on my back on the floor so she can come running and the body slam me...she laughs like a loon every time. She thought it was great fun to bring me the tea cup from her little kitchen set so I could make loud slurpy noises while I pretended to sip tea. She was just go, go, go until she started doing her okay, I am tired now and want to cuddle routine. She will grab her fleece blankie and hold it up to her nose. It’s something she has done since she first figured out how to hold onto something. So by the time Young Man got home from work, she was pretty well wound down and ready to cuddle with Daddy.
I really can’t think of a better way to have spent a day off than seeing people I love. Must do that again at the first opportunity!
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