Green Leaves Unfurled
Waiting for the ground to warm
To nurture newly sown seed;
Watching for green leaves unfurled
Is an anxious time indeed!
Watching the sky night and day
For more rain or maybe less.
Spraying for the weeds that come
Before they create a mess.
Weighing cost against the pay
That so often seems unfair,
Since everyone gets their cut
Before he can get his share.
Why live this life just to have
Graying hair and sleepless nights?
Any farmer will just say:
To enjoy the sounds and sights.
Rumbling tractors in the field,
Chirping birds across the sky.
Blessed silence in his sleep
That comes with the softest sigh.
Laughing children by his side,
Good neighbors who stop over.
Make the trials of farming life
Seem like walking in clover.
He wouldn’t change or give it up
For the riches of the world.
He will wait for warming ground
And green leaves to be unfurled.
--©Jude Brogan, 2011
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