Any of you who know someone who is trying to farm right now...you know how darn frustrating this fall has been! I’ve never seen anything like this weather. We went from summer to winter with no really fall-like weather.
And the rain/snow wet yucky stuff is not helping either. If you didn’t have all of your soybeans harvested before that snow a couple of weeks ago...you may or may not have another opportunity to finish them this year. I know this because we have 80 acres of soybeans out there waiting, but until it dries out, there is nothing we can do about it.
We do have a bright note in our harvest adventures this year. Cubby has joined the crew!
Sparky was not able to help us out this year due to a new job and different hours. Everyone is sad about this.
Young Man stepped up and agreed to help Captain with harvest at night and on weekends which has been most helpful. Along with Young Man came Cubby.
She has been most excited about "going farming" with the guys, and she has fairly firm opinions on things for a toddler. Case in point: If you see her, ask her if she thinks Grampa is any good at driving the grain cart.
I’m not going to comment on maintenance, repairs, or parts runs so as not to jinx the situation. I’ve done that before and learned my lesson!!
My contribution, as usual, is taking over Calf Country. This wasn’t a burden during spring and summer at all. Then I got that 6-week break after surgery. Now that all my restrictions have been lifted, I have resumed my duties...in the cold and dark.
I can handle the cold okay because I have all the appropriate outerwear needed for that. It’s that dark thing that throws me for a loop. Scoff all you want...I get anxiety attacks when I am in the dark alone. Maybe I should have my cell phone on speaker and call someone while I am patrolling Calf Country in the dark. Hmmm…

My other contribution is watching Cubby when it isn’t conducive for her to be in the field with her daddy and grampa. I have learned something during the last couple of visits to Cubby’s house.
- I think three year olds are smarter than they used to be.
- There is something out there more annoying than Barney.
Don’t believe me on either one of those things? Here’s how I can convince you.
- Give any three-year-old that you know a smart phone to play with, and they’ll master it better than you do.
- Put in a DVD of Paw Patrol.
I raised two kids who were crazy about that purple dinosaur, so I suffered for a couple of years watching countless episodes of him and his friends over...and over...and over.
I’m here to testify that Paw Patrol is worse. Trust me on this one. I can't even pinpoint what exactly it is that irritates me so badly about it. I normally LOVE cartoons of any variety, but this one isn't doing it for me.
Apologies to Cubby and all others out there in Toddlerville who think Paw Patrol is the best thing since sliced bread. We’re just going to have to agree to disagree on that one!
What happened to the good old cartoons like Scooby Doo (which, actually is a favorite of Cubby’s); Bugs Bunny; the Grape Ape; Speed Buggy; Rocky and Bullwinkle...where are they when we need some good honest entertainment?
Alas, harvest happenings mean I can’t take the time to figure that dilemma out. Maybe when we are burrowed in over winter I will spend some time on that question. Until then, stay safe in the fields pals of mine and prayers for a bountiful harvest!

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