Someone asked me recently why the blog posts had been few and far between. Partly because I was distracted by medical appointments and then harvest and partly because I just wasn't feeling it. Call it writer's block or whatever you want...there was just nothing in my head that was worth sharing with anyone!
Thank goodness for Cubby to get the old creative juices flowing again. I do believe she is going to supply me with endless material over the next few years!!
We've seen quite a bit of Cubby in recent week since Young Man is helping Captain in the field with harvest. Being a whopping three years old now and possessed of a fierce will and strong opinions, there have been some interesting conversations!
One night after she heard me have a heated discussion with Captain that included me shouting a blasphemous expletive on the phone, she asked if Grampa was naughty, which I assured her that he was! When she saw Captain moments later, the first thing she said to him was "[insert blasphemous expletive] Grampa, you're naughty!" Ooops...bad Gramma!
Later that same day when Captain and Young Man came in from outside to have lunch, Captain was moaning about something, and Cubby turned to him with her hands on her hips and told him, "Grampa, quit your whining!" Could she BE any cuter?! Out of the mouths of babes, eh?
I know Molly gets a little upset when I say this, but the Gramma gig is the best thing ever and I just had to share some of it with you!
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