I am a fishing widow once again as Captain is off in Canada for a week. I am happy that he has the opportunity for some rest and relaxation, but I am not used to being by myself this much, so blogging keeps me connected and keeps me company.
Captain hit the road yesterday just after 6 a.m. with a stern admonishment from me (and two dozen other people he’d talked to) to WEAR HIS LIFE JACKET AT ALL TIMES or face the wrath of God and country when he got back.
I filled my day with watching Cubby, visiting my mom, and back to watching Cubby. As I headed home near suppertime, I stopped at the grocery store in Pine Island and loaded my cart with “single girl crap.” I had frozen dinners, ice cream, chips, flavored water, and lunch meat.
I survived my first night alone, and that is always the worst one. I have high hopes for a relaxing week on my own.
Yesterday, I hung around home and did some housewife kind of stuff...cleaned the fridge, swept, did laundry.
I had some errands to run in Rochester to get ready for entering open class projects at the Olmsted County fair, so while I was in town, I went hog wild and fulfilled a wish I have had for some months now. I went and bought myself a laptop. With blogging and a potential book in the works, I needed my own system instead of using Captain’s all the time.
I have a friend who works at Office Max, and she was a great help to me in picking out the right laptop, getting Microsoft put on it, and she even delivered it when she got off work. Talk about personal service!
Over the week, I will stay busy with various activities. Tonight I have to take in the 18 open class projects I signed up for at the Olmsted County Fair. I had less entries last week for the Dodge County fair, and Captain’s comment was “You never would have let your kids sign up for that many projects so why are you?” I don’t know what he was talking about--I couldn’t have gotten my kids to sign up for that many projects if I’d tried!
It sounds like a lot, but it really isn’t that much work. Five of those entries are photography, so those are already done. One is an afghan, also already done. One is an outdoor container that is just sitting out on my deck and no extra work. Hosta leaves are easy enough to snip off at the last minute. Cucumbers, tomatoes, rhubarb, and kale from the garden are all easily enough picked at the last minute. The worst is the molasses cookies, and I may or may not get those done to enter. I haven’t made up my mind about that yet.
I will go to the fair, probably, one other night as well just to take it all in and watch the open class Holstein show. And, of course, go find out how I did in the open class judging! I have ulterior motives for sure.
Friday, I am going to the Amish produce auction with a friend and her mom. I went to one of their flower auctions this spring and was very impressed with the products. Plus I need to stock up on the ingredients to can vegetable soup for winter because we don’t do onions or carrots in our garden.
I am going to put in some more time on the other big project I have going...getting my dad’s slides digitized, organized, and printed or copied onto CDs for family members and friends who want them.
Then, of course, there is the book project that I have cooking. I have a team of people doing proofreading for me, and the high school student I hired to do illustrations just emailed me last night that she will have preliminary concept sketches to me this week. How exciting!
Part of the reason for the laptop was to have more flexible photo editing and graphic design capabilities. Our home PC is just too old to handle it. So I’ll be learning how to pseudo-photo shop in the coming days with either Pixlr or Gimp. I haven’t decided which one yet.

So I will have just as much fun this week as Captain does, even though this single life is an adjustment. I haven’t had the TV on once since Captain left, and I have locked the doors both nights. Those are novel things to happen in Brogan World, and we will revert to normal once Captain is back!
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