While Captain is gone this week, I am once again the law and order for Calf Country. That wasn’t Captain’s plan, but that’s how it worked out.
Young Man was on call for all things chores at the Brogan Ranch. However, his work schedule--you know, that job where he gets paid, unlike here--is restricting in terms of feeding baby calves.
Captain left explicit instructions on when and how to feed everything. We’ve used it more as a loose guideline than Thou Shalls/Thou Shall Nots.

The only instruction that we really follow to the letter is that Louie the Little only gets fed with the red pail (versus green, yellow, or pink), he gets fed first, and he uses the rubber ducky trick.
Other than that...we are pretty much winging it on a day-to-day basis.
We’ve worked out a system that works for all parties involved. All livestock has full tummies and no health concerns, Young Man isn’t getting fired from his day job for being late, and I get to see my son on a daily basis which is a nice perk for me.
That whole “on a wing and a prayer” theory is pretty much how I approach everything in life. There is little that is black-or-white anymore for me and there is just a whole bunch of gray areas. Rules are important in certain cases, but sometimes adjusting the rules to fit the situation is a better approach than saying “this rule applies in every situation and cannot be altered or modified.” Worse yet is when the implication is, "don't break this rule because it's MY rule." Note, I said rules, not commandments. Those are different.
I hope you have a stupendous day, whatever your chores and instructions might involve.
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