We are six days into Captain’s absence, and it just hit me this morning that, in 31 years, I have never gone this long without at least talking to him. Even when we were dating we would talk two or three times a week. I’m not sure I like it.
I really thought he would call home.
I do know I am not looking forward to the first question I’ll have to answer when he gets back: Are the calves all okay?
No, they aren’t. Darn it! It’s been over a year since we have lost a calf, and now wouldn’t you know it, we lose one on my watch. Not cool. At least it wasn't Louie the Little!
But, as a friend of ours once said, “If you have livestock, you are going to have dead stock.” It’s the circle of life. I just wish it hadn’t happened while I was in charge!
On a positive note in this situation, my perception of helpful neighbors was reinforced when, at the sight of a sick calf this morning, I called a neighbor to borrow a tube feeder.
There was no hesitation, no question at all...just, “Sure thing, I’ll be right over.” I love our neighbors! The fact that the calf died before she got here isn’t anyone’s fault; just a sad, sorry state of life.
Much as I don’t want to answer that question, I wish he would call home.

The other question I’m going to have to answer that I don’t want to is: “Did you keep an eye on my sauerkraut crock?”
Nope; completely forgot about that until I went to the freezer five days after he left, and there was the crock and I cannot even describe the stench coming off of it, moldy mildew spots on the cheese cloth cover it, and generally an epic FUBAR. Good thing there is more cabbage in the garden.
How come he doesn’t call home?
Oh yes, speaking of the garden, there’s another thing that went to hell in a hand basket while he was gone. We got that all-day rain on Saturday, after which the weeds grew like...well, weeds. I can’t run the big rear-tine tiller, so we now have a nice mess out there.
Good news? The tomatoes are starting to turn red, the beans are all blossoming/bloomed/fruiting, and the cucumbers are steadily producing.
He really should call home.
Funny how when he is here, sometimes I think to myself that he talks too much, and now I am missing having him to talk to. Apparently absence really does make the heart grow fonder!
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