Some days, my brain is on it’s A-game and I amaze even myself. Other days, my brain rivals a rotten turnip for an intelligence quotient.
F’rinstance: Captain needed help moving something in the shop. Some big and cumbersome thing that was on wheels. He needed to get the whole kit and kaboodle about 100 feet down the shop and out the door. As we were pushing, he said we needed to veer left with it.
My answer?
“My left or yours?”
Never mind that we were facing the same direction. Stupid--1; Brogan--0.
Another f’rinstance: We were at the classic car show recently, wandering around and admiring all the old cars, and commenting on how different car dashboards are now with the backup cameras and blue tooth capabilities.
We got to a convertible and I glanced around the inside. I poked Captain and said, “I recognize the gas gauge, the speedometer, and the RPM gauge. What I do not recognize is this gauge in the middle above the radio.”
I got a pitying head shake and an eye roll from Captain along with this explanation: “It’s a clock.”
Stupid--1; Brogan--0.

Now just so you don’t think I am a complete moron, today was one of those days where the brain was firing on all four pistons.
I had a baby shower to attend, which means there were games to play. No longer are there word scrambles and the like. Nope, the first game was “When Will Your Water Break?”
It consisted of a plastic Dixie cup for everybody, and in the Dixie cup was an ice cube with a plastic baby doll inside it. Whoever got their ice to melt completely first would win a prize.
There was only one rule given: The baby ice cube had to stay in the cup.
People--including me--started blowing on it to melt the ice, and then my eye caught my cup of coffee on the table beside me. I poured some hot coffee in the Dixie cup, melted the ice, and announced “My water broke!”
There was a conference between the judges for several minutes to determine if I had bent the rules (and might be an extremely bad parent), but in the end I was commended for “thinking outside the box,” and I got a door prize.
Stupid--0; Brogan--1.
No one can be smart every minute of every day. That’s why the old country song goes: “Some days you’re the windshield, some days you’re the bug.”
Here’s to more A-game days than turnip-brain days!
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