We have always had dogs around here, once in awhile cats...although that has been a challenge for a few years. We even had a squirrel for awhile. But we never considered them as children. Part of the family, yes. Part-human...no.
Now, I am not trying to offend any pet owners out there who feel differently than I do, but that’s probably exactly what I’ll end up doing by the time I am done here.
See, I heard about this new technology thing a few days/weeks ago called Pet Chatz. It’s a camera deal you install in your home, at pet-eye-level, so you can Skype with your pet while you are at work or away somewhere else.
I don’t know who these inventors think people are working for, but my boss would frown upon me spending work time making cooing baby noises to a dumb dog.
Further, I didn’t let my kids call me at work all that often, so why would I grant a dependent animal with that right?
Come to think of it, I do remember one phone call from Molly while I was at work:
Molly: Mom, Young Man is thinking about doing something naughty!
Me: Well wait until he actually does something naughty...and then call your dad. I’m working!!
I just can’t wrap my head around skyping with Dipstick. First off, he’d never be able to figure out how to operate the equipment...remember, he’s dumb as dirt and that’s an insult to dirt.
If he did figure out how to work the equipment, I can see the conversation going something like this:
Me: Dipstick, what’s the good word today?
Dipstick: Chased four cars, three bikes, the mailman, and the paper boy. By the way, your steers are out.
Me: Why can’t you chase them back where they belong?
Dipstick: I’m not qualified for that job description.
True statement, actually, but geez!

Have I cried when we’ve had to bury a beloved pet, from a cat to a dog to a long-lived 4-H show cow. You bet your fuzzy All-American white butt I did. Probably will again.
However, as much as I love my pets, there is no way in blue blazes I would spend a penny to install some high tech device to check in on them during the day.
All they need is their num-nums in the morning from captain and a good ear-scratching when I get home from work. That keeps them happy.
If you are of a different mind and think this new technology is the best thing since sliced bread, I can respect that and wish you many happy conversations with your fur babies!
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