We had the nicest weekend! First off, and most important, Captain arrived safely back home from Canada. He had many pictures and stores plus four walleye and three Northern to put in the freezer. I’m so glad he had fun!
Since his ETA home wasn’t until late evening Saturday, I had no help getting packed up for our camping trip to Whitewater. Remember, I have trouble getting everything packed when I have a taskmaster double checking me...so it was pretty much an epic fail this time around.
I did manage to remember the tent and a sleeping bag, but no pillows. Strike one. I remembered the camp stove, fuel, and bacon and eggs for breakfast but forgot the oil, salt, and pepper. Strike two. But wouldn’t you know it--wouldn’t you JUST know it--I forgot the many-bad-words camp chairs AGAIN!!
I don’t know why I have a complete brain fart when it comes to those stupid chairs. Please, the next time I talk about going camping...somebody, or many somebodies, please private message me to pack the stupid camp chairs so I don’t have to stop and buy two more to add to my collection of a dozen already!
Regardless of my haphazard packing efforts, I got to Whitewater late afternoon and got everything set up by myself, thank you very much. Let me just say that putting a tent up alone is a whole different ballgame than having help!
Once I had camp set up, I headed out to find Mike’s aunt and uncle at the campground host site so they could point me in the direction of Mike’s cousin’s family who had invited us down for the weekend.
Apparently I took a wrong turn because a trip that should have taken two minutes took me 15 going the long way around. It was okay, though, because I needed the exercise after living on pasta and pastries all week with Captain not here.
Once I found the family, I settled in for a nice visit. As the evening wore on, and after Aunt Patty pointed out the shortcut, I went back and forth to our campsite to see if Captain had arrived. By 9:00 I was starting to get concerned, and then my ears perked up.
I guess the rest of me came to attention as well because someone asked me what was wrong.
“Nothing, but that’s Captain’s pickup coming down the lane!” I ran down the path to the campsite, and there he was!
We aren’t big on public displays of affection around here, but I hugged and kissed anyway because, darn it, I’d missed him while he was gone.
I took him back up to the Shones’ campsite where everyone was gathered, and the visiting continued. It was after 10 before the party broke up and we headed back to camp.
We don’t own an air mattress, so that lack wasn’t my fault, but it is something we are going to have to resolve before we head to Banning State Park later this month for the Tall Ships Fest in Duluth because I am not spending two nights on the cold, hard ground at my age and physical condition!
The first thing we did when we got home--before we even unpacked--was check the garden. Oh my! The tomatoes are starting...mostly the new variety we planted called Power Pops. They are like cherry tomatoes on steroids. Turns out they are a hybrid cherry tomato, so my description is pretty accurate!

The green beans are going to start coming hard and fast in the next day or two, which is good because we had none last year and I need to replenish our supply for winter. Plus, I use those and the tomatoes in the vegetable soup I can, so the carrots, onions, and potatoes I bought at the Amish Produce auction will be put to use before they spoil.

I am hoping to get at least 52 pints of beans for winter and 25 to 30 pints of soup. Then I can work on salsa and stewed tomatoes in a couple of weeks.
When you love the outdoors as much as we do, camping and spending time in the garden are magical!
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