You have no idea how many hours we spend in prayer for you. This is what moms do. We teach, guide, love, and we pray.

The first three things are what we do when we can, and the last one is what we do when there is nothing else we can do.
When you experience your first heartbreak, we give you all the platitudes about other fish in the sea, and we let you cry on our shoulder. Then we pray that you will find love again with someone who deserves the wonderful person that you are.
When you get your driver's license, we make sure you know all the important safety and maintenance tips like how to check the oil, put air in the tires, or even change a tire. We help you pay for the insurance but make you buy the gas. Then we pray that you will be safe on the road.

When you apply for your first "grown up" job that you really want, we help you get a resume and cover letter put together. We help you pick out the right outfit for the interview. Then we pray that you have confidence and poise during the interview, and we pray that if this job isn't in God's plan for you that you will have the strength and courage to go out and apply for something else.
When you are having money trouble, we pick up an extra pack of toilet paper or toothpaste or a box of the cereal you like. We buy outfits for grandkids, and we slip cash to you on the sly. Then we pray that God will give you the wisdom to figure it all out.

When you get married and have children of your own, we don't stop praying for you. We just add your spouse and children to the list. We pray that God will bless your marriage in all its ups and downs as he has blessed ours. Then we pray that God will give you the same strength, wisdom, and patience with your children that he gave us with ours.
We don't care how old you are, as long as we love you--and we will always love you--we will pray for you, and we will always thank God for the amazing people that you are because you bless our lives every single day.
Moms Everywhere
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