Do you ever have odd, random thoughts occur to you in bed during that lull between consciousness and sleep? It happens to me not infrequently.
Like...how come you can walk in running shoes but you can't run in walking shoes? What's up with that? Who decided that? Is there a law? Will I have to pay a fine? Who monitors the proper usage of athletic footwear? Inquiring minds want to know; at least mine does.
Like...how come you can disinfect with drinking alcohol but you can't drink disinfecting alcohol? Where is the reciprocity? Or can you drink disinfecting alcohol and I never knew it all these years? Has it ever been tested? Someone else can be that guinea pig; I have other plans, thanks!
Captain is usually the one who has these kinds of random thoughts, not me, so I'm not comfortable having them rattle around in my head. His thoughts are more along the lines of how come socks don't last five years.
Then there is the question that has plagued me for years: how come a square can be a rectangle but a rectangle can't be a square? It doesn't seem quite fair that squares get more opportunity than rectangles. Where's the justice? But that's just me.
Maybe the odd, random thoughts keep out the larger philosophical thoughts that I wouldn't have any hope of solving, thereby saving me much angst and headache. I guess I am okay with that.

Sometimes it is children who have the profound thoughts that shake the foundation of someone's day. Like...why can't I sit by the girl with autism at lunch? She likes peanut butter and jelly sandwiches too. We can be friends about that.
Or: Love is like a magic pie; the more you share the more there is. Out of the mouths of babes!
Then there was my kids who asked the question, "What do you mean you don't have money? You still have checks!"
Here is the one thought that haunts me more days or nights than it doesn't: Why can't we as a human race seem to get along and like each other? If someone could please answer me that, maybe I could sleep better some nights.
I am going to do my Pooh imitation and try to ponder some of these things into a logical answer.
Think...think....think, think, think!
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