Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Get Real!

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I have to get up on my soap box today.  It’s been percolating in my brain
for quite awhile now, and I just need to spit it out.  


As in the RealSeal (™) that you used to see on dairy products everywhere
back in the 80s and 90s.  If you saw the Real Seal on a product, it was an
“assurance that you are buying a genuine dairy product, made with milk from
cows on U.S. dairy farms, and meeting strict manufacturing requirements.”  
That’s according to the website which provides
information and education about real dairy products and their benefits.

I am infuriated--LIVID--that there are companies that can manufacture,
market, and sell products as “milk” that don’t even come close to the definition of
milk.  You all know what I’m talking about.

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Almondmilk, coconutmilk, soymilk, etc.  That’s not milk. It’s nut juice. I guess
that’s not a catchy marketing approach or they’d be using it.  

Before you get your bloomers in a bundle, I am not saying that there
should not be alternative choices available for those people who choose not
to drink milk for health or personal reasons.  I have no problem with that.

My beef (don’t even get me started on beef marketing!) is with the
manufacturers and the marketers. By definition, milk comes from mammals
to feed their young.  That would be animals, not plants. Look it up in the
dictionary or google it. I’m right about this.

So how the hell do these companies get off saying their product is milk when
it is no such thing?!  Do you know how they get around that? They make it
all one word, i.e., almondmilk instead of almond milk.  

Newsflash:  the average consumer does not make that distinction.  In
defense of the average consumer, it isn’t completely their fault.  They
are misinformed about some things.

Part of the reason for that ignorance (and I do not mean that in a derogatory
way) is that our society is no longer agrarian.  There is at least one generation
if not two that have no idea where their food comes from because they do not
know anyone who works or lives on a farm.  

So please...let me educate you.  I’ll try not to bite your head off like I did my
sister-in-law a couple of weeks ago.  Sorry about that, Annie!! :)

I have heard rumbles for years about how “the high price of groceries is
making farmers rich.”  Absolutely not true.

As long as we started out talking about milk, we will continue in that vein.  
A gallon of milk costs approximately $3.50. A gallon of milk weighs about
8 pounds.  Why does that matter, you ask? Because farmers are paid a
certain amount per 100 pounds.  Right now the average price paid to farmers
is $13 per 100 pounds. That’s 13 cents per pound or $1.04 for 8
gallon.  Less than half of what the consumer pays in the grocery store.

Image result for dairy farmers

I’m not saying the trucker and those other middle men don’t need to make
a living because they do.  I’m saying don’t think the entire cost at the store
goes to the farmer.

And here’s the downside to the $1.04 that goes to the farmer.  It isn’t even
close to what it costs to produce that gallon of milk, which is $1.20.  That’s
a loss of 16 cents for every gallon produced. It might not sound like much
until you do the math and realize that a 200-cow dairy farm might produce
20,000 pounds of milk per day.  Breaking that down, that’s 2500 gallons of
milk per day with a loss of 16 cents per gallon for a net loss of $400
every day.

Furthermore, that production cost is a break even point, it isn’t a profit
point.  It only covers the expenses needed to produce the milk. It doesn’t
cover the cost of health insurance, groceries, or gas for the car much less
anything fun like going to the movies or on a vacation to Disneyland.  

I think I can speak fairly knowledgeably about this as I grew up on a dairy
farm (dairy princess in 1986, thank you very much), I married a dairy
farmer, and both my kids worked on dairy farms through high school.  I
know what I’m talking about here.

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Obviously, dairy farmers want a fair price for their product so they can make
a decent living.  They know, however, that fair prices will not always be
the case. When prices are low, as they are now and have been for three
years, it’s easy for their spirits to droop and for them to wonder if it’s
worth it at all.  

For most of them, the ups and downs are part of the game.  They know
that the long days that start before dawn and end at or after dusk 365
days a year, the worries about a sick animal, the stress of trying to pay
all the bills, and battling Mother Nature more days than not are all part and
parcel of the way of life they’ve chosen.  That doesn’t mean they don’t want
the gratitude of their communities for navigating those hurdles as they
contribute to the cheapest and safest food supply in the world.

Image result for thank you farmer

I can guaran-damn-tee that if just one Joe Q. Public would say, “Thank
you for providing REAL nutritious food for our family” it would go a long
way toward raising their spirits.  

On that note, I would like to give a big shout out to Culver’s for being a
vocal supporter of dairy farmers and FFA.  Thank you for your support!!

I would ask you one thing:  Thank a dairy farmer if you can, thank a
business that serves/sells real dairy products, and buy REAL dairy products.  

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Tuesday, April 17, 2018

From Moms Everywhere

Dear Children Everywhere,

You have no idea how many hours we spend in prayer for you.  This is what moms do.  We teach, guide, love, and we pray.

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The first three things are what we do when we can, and the last one is what we do when there is nothing else we can do. 

When you experience your first heartbreak, we give you all the platitudes about other fish in the sea, and we let you cry on our shoulder.  Then we pray that you will find love again with someone who deserves the wonderful person that you are.

When you get your driver's license, we make sure you know all the important safety and maintenance tips like how to check the oil, put air in the tires, or even change a tire.  We help you pay for the insurance but make you buy the gas.  Then we pray that you will be safe on the road.

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When you apply for your first "grown up" job that you really want, we help you get a resume and cover letter put together.  We help you pick out the right outfit for the interview.  Then we pray that you have confidence and poise during the interview, and we pray that if this job isn't in God's plan for you that you will have the strength and courage to go out and apply for something else.

When you are having money trouble, we pick up an extra pack of toilet paper or toothpaste or a box of the cereal you like.  We buy outfits for grandkids, and we slip cash to you on the sly.  Then we pray that God will give you the wisdom to figure it all out. 

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When you get married and have children of your own, we don't stop praying for you.  We just add your spouse and children to the list.  We pray that God will bless your marriage in all its ups and downs as he has blessed ours.  Then we pray that God will give you the same strength, wisdom, and patience with your children that he gave us with ours.

We don't care how old you are, as long as we love you--and we will always love you--we will pray for you, and we will always thank God for the amazing people that you are because you bless our lives every single day.

Moms Everywhere

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Monday, April 9, 2018

Limbo Thoughts

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Do you ever have odd, random thoughts occur to you in bed during that lull between consciousness and sleep?  It happens to me not infrequently. come you can walk in running shoes but you can't run in walking shoes?  What's up with that?  Who decided that?  Is there a law?  Will I have to pay a fine?  Who monitors the proper usage of athletic footwear?  Inquiring minds want to know; at least mine does.

Image result for random thoughts come you can disinfect with drinking alcohol but you can't drink disinfecting alcohol?  Where is the reciprocity?  Or can you drink disinfecting alcohol and I never knew it all these years?  Has it ever been tested?  Someone else can be that guinea pig; I have other plans, thanks!

Captain is usually the one who has these kinds of random thoughts, not me, so I'm not comfortable having them rattle around in my head.  His thoughts are more along the lines of how come socks don't last five years.  

Then there is the question that has plagued me for years:  how come a square can be a rectangle but a rectangle can't be a square?  It doesn't seem quite fair that squares get more opportunity than rectangles.  Where's the justice?  But that's just me.

Maybe the odd, random thoughts keep out the larger philosophical thoughts that I wouldn't have any hope of solving, thereby saving me much angst and headache.  I guess I am okay with that.

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Sometimes it is children who have the profound thoughts that shake the foundation of someone's day.  Like...why can't I sit by the girl with autism at lunch?  She likes peanut butter and jelly sandwiches too.  We can be friends about that.

Or:  Love is like a magic pie; the more you share the more there is.  Out of the mouths of babes!

Then there was my kids who asked the question, "What do you mean you don't have money?  You still have checks!"

Here is the one thought that haunts me more days or nights than it doesn't:  Why can't we as a human race seem to get along and like each other?  If someone could please answer me that, maybe I could sleep better some nights.

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I am going to do my Pooh imitation and try to ponder some of these things into a logical answer.

Think...think....think, think, think!

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Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Memory Care

I am not a crier by nature (the recent bout of depression not withstanding).  I
did not cry when I went back to work after each of my maternity leaves. I did
not cry when my kids started kindergarten.  I did not cry when I hauled each of
them off to college. Okay, I did shed a tear or two at their commencement
ceremonies but no wailing and gnashing of teeth.


The first time my mom didn’t recognize me just about put me on my knees in
despair.  Even though I knew it was coming as there is a strong family history of
dementia in Mom’s family.  Even though she has called my by her sister’s name
forever. When she literally thought I was her sister and should remember an
incident from their childhood, it shocked me.  

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When she started to wander away from her house looking for people who can
only be found in heaven, we knew it was becoming a safety issue and made the
decision to move her to a memory care facility.

We found a wonderful place close to Baby Brother’s neighborhood.  The staff is
friendly and welcoming and inclusive. The whole building is bright, cheerful, and
full of natural light.  The rooms are cozy, clean, and private. Best of all, there
are people there who can give Mom the kind of care she needs.

So now we have all of these memories that no one else knows and only we

Some of my personal favorites are:

When Mom and I were trying to capture a loose calf and return it to its pen, but
when Mom got the halter on it, it jumped and ran and dragged Mom through
some yucky stuff.

When Mom made her award-winning outhouse Halloween costume out of chicken
wire and paper mache (see photo above).

When Mom and I went to my orthodontic consultation and they gave her the price
of my braces. She turned to me and asked if I was worth $2000. I told her I was priceless.

When I asked her what was the difference between liking someone and loving
someone, she told me, “You like someone because.  You love someone although.”  
LOVE that piece of advice!

When I asked her what to look for in a husband, she said to marry someone who
could make me laugh but who I was comfortable being silent with.

I've adjusted to her thinking that I am her sister now so when she asks me if I remember something from their childhood, I simply say “No, I must have been too young to remember that.”  It isn’t the whole truth but isn’t really a lie either. So even though I am not a crier by nature, this new normal with Mom does bring a tear to my eye more often than not.

Your loved ones will someday be the keeper of the memories of your times
together.  Take care to make them good memories. That’s what I call memory

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