Monday, March 23, 2020

Accentuate the Positve

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Hello friends, I hope this finds you well and healthy and surviving these challenging times.  I know that it is getting scarier by the minute. 

Amid the fear and unknowns ahead of us, there are two things emerging from this crisis that give me hope. 

One is how much deserved recognition is going to the trades as "essential industry."  Those who followed a vo-tech path rather than an undergraduate path.  And no, I'm not dissing people who have an undergraduate or higher degree.  I'm saying it's high time that those working in a trade get the recognition and appreciation they deserve.

Think about it.  Truckers, assembly line workers, farmers, welders, plumbers, electricians, HVAC technicians, grocery store workers.  Careers that for far too long have been looked down upon by many as less worthy than others.  Doctors and medical personnel along with emergency services professionals have always been held in high regard for their service to their communities.  Your local Kwik Trip or Hy-Vee truck driver getting the goods to the place where you can buy it...not so much until now. 

I remember a school superintendent telling me once during a time when budget cut talks were centering around the vo-tech/shop/ag curriculum.  He said he would fight hard to keep those classes and teachers because "someone needs to know how to fix the toilet." 

So, kudos to our blue collar citizens who are holding us together right now!

The other thing I've found heartening is how people are now using social media to connect and to build each other up instead of arguing and tearing each other down.  Whether it is tips and tricks to fight cabin fever (let me just say that I could have used those before I stooped so far as cleaning the bathroom) or family-friendly activities that parents and kids can do together for exercise and for education. 

The musicians who are performing on YouTube and Facebook to keep peoples' spirits up is amazing whether it is Garth Brooks, Keith Urban, or a small police force in Spain going out into their city and singing to neighborhoods. 

Will it get worse before it gets better?  Yes, I'm quite certain it will.  Will we start seeing some of the worst behavior of mankind?  Probably.  For right now, I'm going to embrace the positives that I can find and pray that this is over in as little time as possible, please God. 

Hugs to you all (and yes, check on the huggers in your world...we are NOT okay right now!)

Friday, March 20, 2020

Shelter in Place

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After our family trip to Spokane, Washington, last week for a family funeral, Bigger had to be in quarantine for work purposes.  Given that Mama Bear works for the same company, Bigger couldn't quarantine at home, so he is temporarily living with us.

We should be used to this since we raised him for 18 years.  Please keep in mind that it has been seven years since he has lived here plus we have been full-fledged empty nesters for five years.  We are kind of set in our ways at this point!

There are some things I had forgotten about having Bigger under our roof.  One is that he eats a lot of cereal.  I don't know as we have actually purchased cereal since he left home other than to make rice krispie bars or crunchy chocolate chip cookies.  Malt-O-Meal needs to thank me for our recent spike in purchasing because I think I made their quota for this quarter.

All that cereal requires a lot of milk.  We don't usually have a lot of white milk on hand.  Chocolate milk, yes.  White milk...usually goes sour in our fridge before it gets used.  Don't judge; we eat six times our body weight in cheese every month so we are doing our part to support the dairy farmers.

I had also forgotten how much he likes to sing at the top of his lungs when he's taking a shower.  And how bad he is at it.  But he's enjoying himself so I don't say anything.

Bigger likes to watch movies and has gotten me hooked on the Marvel movies.  So far we have watched Captain America, Iron Man, and Iron Man 2.  I'm trying to convince him to watch Hidden Figures because I think he would enjoy the historical aspect of it, but so far he is resisting.  Captain doesn't watch movies, so he retires to the couch in the basement to watch ME TV on channel 47. 

I have been getting a lot of crochet done while we are self-quarantining.  The crochet-a-long I've been doing has been keeping me busy along with several other projects I have going simultaneously.  Bigger asked me what would happen when I ran out of yarn and I laughed and laughed and laughed! 

This forced separation from his family is hard on Bigger, who is very much a homebody and family man.  But technology is wonderful.  Every night at bedtime, Bigger video calls with Mama Bear and Cubby.  He reads a story (Mama Bear holds the book up to the phone so he can see it), they say prayers, and settle Cubby in for the night.  It is incredibly precious to see and hear this nightly routine.  We are finding ways to cope in new and challenging times. 

We hope and pray that you and your loved ones survive this pandemic unscathed.  I think we will see some of the very best of humanity over the next weeks; that's my hope anyway. 

Stay well and healthy, my friends!