Thursday, July 30, 2015

Happy Father In Law Day

Got a text from Mama Bear this morning wishing Captain a Happy Father-in-Law sweet!  I didn't even know there was such a day.

I would say Happy FIL Day to Captain's dad, but we lost him in a drowning accident just over 8 years ago.  I can't tell him, so I'll tell you.

He was a big man with a big heart.  His life's motto was "If something is in your way, go over it, under it, around it, or through it.  Don't let it stop you."  In other words, don't give up.  We all pretty much still live by that rule.

He loved his family, had so many friends they can't be counted, and lived life the way he wanted to...fully.

His grandkids were his pride and joy.  He always made sure before they'd part ways, he gave them "a big squeeze."  The biggest treat for them was when Grampa would look at one of them and say, "Wanna run away today?"  And off they'd go for an adventure.

One time he took Princess with him on a parts run to Heartland, Minnesota.  Not such a long drive...unless you are a 9-year-old girl.  Turns out the part Grampa needed wasn't at the dealer in Heartland, and to this day Princess talks about going to Heartland "for no good reason."  But she got an ice cream cone out of the deal, so what's her beef?

Young Man was especially close to Grampa.  They were buds.  More like two peas in a pod, really.  I see a lot of Captain's dad in Young Man, especially when he gets called on the carpet for something and puts on his puppy dog face and says, "The devil made me do it."

I truly believe that those who have passed are not truly gone.  So I'll say it anyway, Happy Father-In-Law Day!  He'll get the message.

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