Thursday, March 31, 2016

The Farm Wife's Prayer

The Farm Wife’s Prayer

Lord, I am ready to start my day 
And I have just a few  requests.
Please let me get through my daily tasks 
Without a lot of trying tests.

Please let the cows stay in their yards 
Where they know they do belong
I don’t want to see them anywhere 
Around my house or on my lawn!

Keep the machinery running smoothly
So I don’t have to run for parts--
My husband gets almighty cranky 
When planting goes in stops and starts!

I must say it has been a big help 
With images that are digital
To show the parts guy when he scoffs,
And gets a little critical

Because I don’t seem to know for sure 
What I’m after or even why.
The condescending looks I get 
Often make me just want to cry!

It’s not my fault I’m not well versed 
In mechanical terms like these men,
But to hear the way they talk to me
They seem to think I’m less than them.

Please let the vet not roll his eyes 
When it's me and him to check the herd.
I know he thinks I don’t know a thing
But I vow I won’t say a word

About how I can do just fine 
Without my husband by my side.
His attitude will roll off my back 
And I will take it all in stride.

If I have to help pull a tractor 
Out of the mud or goo or slime,
Please don’t let it get so bad 
That I get hollered at this time,

Image result for stuck tractor

For going too slow or too fast 
Or just not going the right way.
I don’t think it’s too much to ask 
To let me have an easy day.

Please let my children help so nice 
With whatever they might be told.
Don’t let them tell me once again 
They won’t be like me when they’re old!

That heifer calf that has been sick 
And seems to want to lay down and die,
Please give her just a little boost
That makes her more perky and spry.

I know I seem to ask a lot
And I’m sorry if I seem rude
But please keep my washer going 
So we are not all in the nude!

Please keep the markets going strong
With prices that are just and fair
So our profit does not get spent
On nothing but fuel and repairs.

Please help me have the words to say 
To help my husband truly see
That all the troubles that we have 
Aren't limited to him and me.

Help me be the uplifting voice 
He needs to hear from time to time,
When this business gets him so down 
That he’d quit for just one thin dime.

Lord remind me to hold my tongue 
When someone tell me with a sneer
“You're just a farm wife, after all,” 
Like I am less than all my peers.

When I forget that other folks
Can't know what happens in my life,
Let me stand, with head high, to say, 
“I'm proud to be a farmer’s wife!”

But most of all, dear Lord, I ask
Keep me mindful that I am blessed.
With days of sunshine when we work
And starry skies for when we rest 

Remind me that I have my family 
Close at hand and in my heart.
So, whatever You have planned for me, 
Lord, please help me to do my part.

~~Jude Brogan, 2009

1 comment:

  1. What a wonderful prayer, Jude. I am excited to get your book!Thank you for being "just" a farmer's wife!! ₩
