Thursday, December 10, 2015

Choose Happiness

I don’t like being a Debbie Downer for very long.  It just takes to much stinking energy to be miserable.  Who has time for that?  Besides that, I don’t care if they do say misery loves company, nobody likes being around a negative person for very long.

My mom counseled me many years ago on dealing with setbacks/challenges/obstacles.  She said, “You can let it make you bitter, or you can let it make you better.”  Wise woman, my mom.  

So I am taking me and my recent pity party to town tonight and hitting the greeting card section at Target.  This has been a tried-and-true method of mood-picker-upper for me for years.  I don’t even need any cards...I just want to go laugh for awhile.

I have a good friend who joins me in the adventure on occasion, and we have driven people out of the card aisle with our antics over humorous cards.  When Captain’s mom, Princess, and I hit the greeting card aisle...someone is going to pee their pants laughing.  

Reader’s Digest has had it right for decades.  Laughter really is an amazing medicine.  There are all kinds of scientific studies and data that support that.  All I know is that after I have laughed my butt off at a dozen or more cards, I leave the greeting card section in a lighter mood and better able to get a grip on whatever was bugging me to start with.  

There are a couple other no-fail things that always, always, always lighten my mood.  One is a video that Mama Bear posted on her Facebook timeline of Cubby doing belly laughs.  I ask you, friends, who can be in a bad mood watching a baby belly laugh?  It’s impossible!

The other online therapy I have is a You Tube video Captain ran across some years ago.  If you Google Search “Most Contagious Laugh” it is the first choice that pops up.  It’s kind of a Hee-Haw looking stage.  For you youngsters who don’t know about Hee Haw, that would be a red barn prop and a guy in bib overalls.  He calls three audience members up on stage to play a game, and the one guy in the middle in the yellow sweater gets to laughing, and he sends the host into fits of uncontrollable laughter to the point he has to leave the stage momentarily.  Watch it and you let me know if you don’t laugh until you cry.

Captain is a big talk radio fan, and he listens to Garage Logic with Joe Soucheray on KROC in the afternoons.  They have a clip on their website about the greatest Christmas prank ever.  This guy totally messed with his neighbor’s head by screwing up his Christmas lights.  You have to listen to it; it’s another one that you can’t help but laugh at.  You have to be patient, though, because it’s a really long story.  

I know that “down days” are simply a part of life, but when I have had enough of being in the dumps, I will do one or all of these things to lift my mood.  Here’s to only happiness and laughter in your days!!

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